Zelma Catalan, PhD
Associate Professor
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Department of English and American Studies
E-mail: zelmacat2 [at] yahoo.com
Research interests:
Victorian literature, Stylistics, Narratology, Translation
Subjects taught:
BA Courses:
- Stylistics
- Victorian literature
- Translation
MA Courses:
- Genre, style and translation
- The translation profession
- Popular fiction on page and screen
Major publications:
- The Politics of Irony in Thackeray’s Mature Fiction. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-954-07-2823-0
Selected Articles
- “Rival Fictions, Rival Names: Dickens and Bentham in Bleak House.” Годишник на Департамент “История” на НБУ, Том ІV/2009, 378-394.. Accessed 20.06.2012. http://ebox.nbu.bg/hist12/ne3/10.pdf
- “ ‘Grim Realities’ or ‘Light of Fancy’? Dickens in the Bulgarian Classroom.” Cahiers Victoriens et edouardiens. Hors-serie, fevrier 2012, 27-44. ISSN 02205610.
- “Aliens, Predators and Global Issues: The Evolution of a Narrative Formula.” cultura, lenguaje y representacion / culture, language and representation. Revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I / Cultural Studies Journal of Universitat Jaume I vol. viii / 2010, 43-55. ISSN 1697-7750.
- “Dodging Nell: Dickens and Resilience”. Liminal Dickens: Rites of Passage in His Works. Edited by Valerie Kennedy and Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou. CSP: 2016, 121-137. ISBN (10): 1-4438-8890-7
- “Distancing the Stereotype in Stanley Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon and Its Literary Source.” Ireland – Europe: Cultural and Literary Encounters. Edited by Plamen Gaptov, Maria Georgieva and Jonathan McCreedy. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2017, 81-92. ISBN 978-954-07-4273-1