Обява за юбилеен сборник

Уважаеми Колеги,

През 2021 се навършват 30 години от възникване на специалност „Английска филология“ в ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“. След прощъпулника бързо се изнизаха дните на порастване и някак неусетно станахме млади възрастни. На фона на много други промени в нашето общество и в човешката история тридесет години биха били пренебрежимо малко време, освен ако не си дадем сметка, че те проследяват превръщането на детето в голям човек.

По случай юбилея на катедрата и наум с тези размисли за порастването, имаме удоволствието да Ви поканим да участвате с авторски принос (съавторство) в предвиден за целта сборник с текстове в областта на англицистиката с надслов Child is Father of the Man: 30 Years of English Philology at Plovdiv University.

Read more

Паисиеви четения 2019 – покана

Филологическият факултет

на Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски“

Ви кани да участвате с публикация в поредното

издание на Научните трудове на Филологическия факултет


Заявките Ви за участие ще очакваме до 10 ноември 2019 г. на електронните адреси, посочени към всяко тематично направление.

Повече информация: CFP и в сайта ТУК





SELIM, the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, local Organising Committee, cordially invite members of the Society and all scholars interested in the field to send their contributions for its 31st International Conference, which will be held at the University of Valladolid, Spain, on 19-21 September 2019. Read more

Conference on English Studies in Ljubljana, Slovenia

5th SDAS international conference entitled A Hundred Years, A Thousand Meanings

The conference which will mark the centennial jubilee of University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Arts will take place from 19 – 21 September 2019 at the Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

More information: HERE

CFP: 8th International LLC Conference on 6-7 June 2019 in Brest, France

We are honoured to announce the 8th International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture: “Struggle for recognition: identity-formation and subjectivation” organized jointly by Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest, France) and Cankaya University (Ankara, Turkey) on June 6-7, 2019. This International Conference is an annual, peer-reviewed academic event and comprehensive venue for the free exchange and dissemination of ideas on language, translation, literary and cultural studies, and aims to bring together scholars and graduates researching the intersections of these fields in the welcoming atmosphere of Universite de Bretagne Occidentale in France. Read more

BAS Conference – Timisoara 2019

The English Department of the Faculty of Letters, University of Timisoara, is pleased to announce its 29th international conference on British and American Studies, which will be held on May 16-18, 2019.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 February 2019.

More details: CFP


16th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English
University of Zaragoza, Spain
May 29-31, 2019
More information: CFP

Language, Literature, Context – Nis 2019

The conference Language, Literature, Context will be held by the Faculty of Philosophy University of Nis on April 12th and 13th 2019 at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis (Cirila i Metodija 2).

More information about the conference can be found in the Call for Papers and the Application Form.

Teaching languages and cultures – submission deadline extended!

Since we closed our deadline for abstract submission, the TLC 2018 Organizing Board has received several inquiries about moving the submission deadline for the conference abstracts.

Since we would like to make it possible for all the colleagues who would like to participate to manage to meet the abstract deadline, and since the university summer break is about to begin in several days, the Board has decided to move the abstract deadline forward to the 15th August. Read more

The Launch of Anglosphere Journal

Although the proceedings of our Borders and Crossings conference held
here in Kielce in 2016 are about to be published as an open access book,
the journal will eventually be kicking off, too. Do feel invited to
contribute to the first issue and/or disseminate the cfp which can be
found here: