Sylvia Velikova

Sylvia Velikova, Lecturer

Department of Language and Literature, Teaching Methodology and Literary Theory
Faculty of Modern Language
St Cyril and St Methodius University of VelikoTurnovo

E-mail: sylvia.velikova [at]

Research interests: Applied linguistics/psycholinguistics (spoken language comprehension), EAP (academic listening), and teacher education and development (reflection, self-assessment, and portfolio development in teacher education).

Subjects taught:

BA Courses:

  • Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • Learning Styles and Strategies
  • Current Trends in Foreign Language Teaching

MA Courses:

  • Methodology of Teaching English for Specific Purposes
  • Intercultural Aspects of Foreign Language Teaching
  • Teacher Development Strategies

Major publications:

  • a. A Journey into the World around and the World within: A Case Study of Three Bulgarian Students’ Learning Mobility Experiences”, In Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Gerhard Rabensteiner (eds), Internationalization in Teacher Education, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 2014, 17-40, ISBN: 978-3-8340-1394-1 (in English). b. „Пътуване по света и към себе си: въздействието на транснационалната мобилност с учебна цел върхубългарски студенти”, В: Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Gerhard Rabensteiner (eds), Internationalization in Teacher Education, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 2014,  41-61, ISBN: 978-3-8340-1394-1 (in Bulgarian).
  • a.“Teaching Active Listening: Towards an Integrated Approach to L2 Listening Instruction”, In Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Eero Ropo (eds) European Dimension in Education and Teaching: New Perspective to European Instruction, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 2012, 97-111, ISBN 978-3-8340-1056-8 (in English). b. „Обучението по активно слушане: към интегриран подход за развиване на умения за слушане на чужд език“. В: Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria & Eero Ropo (eds) European Dimension in Education and Teaching: New Perspective to European Instruction, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH, 2012, 80-97, ISBN 978-3-8340-1056-8 (in Bulgarian).
  • PICCININI, Veronika, VELIKOVA, Sylvia, REBROVA, Andrea, (co-authors and editors) “The Cambridge grammar of English in the ELT classroom: teaching selected features of spoken English. In Hanna Komorowska (ed) Humanising Language Teaching Magazine, year 14, issue 1, February 2012, ISSN 1755-9715,
  • a. “Implementing the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages in a Lifelong Learning Context”, In Pia-Maria Rabensteiner & Eero Ropo (eds), The European Dimension – Education and Teaching. Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2009, 93-106, ISBN: 978-38340-0651-6. b. Внедряване на Европейско портфолио за стажант-преподаватели по езици в контекста на учене през целия живот“. In Pia-Maria Rabensteiner & Eero Ropo (eds), The European DimensionEducation and Teaching, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2009, 107–119, ISBN: 978-38340-0651-6.

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