Olga Steriopolo, PhD
Zentrum fur Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin, Germany
E-mail: steriopolo [at] zas.gwz-berlin.de
olgasteriopolo [at] hotmail.com
Research interests: Syntax, morphology, language typology, expressive, diminutive constructions, gender category
Major publications:
- 2015. Syntactic variation in expressive size suffixes: A comparison of Russian, German, and Spanish. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 12/1: 2–21. http://www.skase.sk/
- 2014. The syntax of expressive suffixes in Russian. Wroclaw: Generative Linguistics in Wroclaw (GLiW).http://www.ifa.uni.wroc.pl/linguistics/?page_id=538
- 2014. Parameters of variation in the syntax of homophones. Poljarnyj vestnik: Norwegian Journal of Slavic Studies 17: 46–73. http://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/vestnik/index
- 2014. The distinct types (heads vs. modifiers) of homophonous suffixes: A case study of Russian. In New Insights into Slavic Linguistics, ed. J. Witkos & S. Jaworski, 371-387.Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- 2013. Diminutive affixes in the Number domain: A syntactic variation. Questions and Answers in Linguistics 1: 33-56. http://www.ifa.uni.wroc.pl/linguistics/documents/QAL_2013_vol2.pdf
- 2012–2014 Canada: SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
- 2004–2005 Canada: UBC International GraduateTuition Scholarship
- 2004–2005 USA: Jacobs Research Fund Grant, Whatcom Museum Society
- 2003 Germany: DAAD scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service)
- 2003–2004 Canada: Ph.D. Tuition Fee Award
- 2002–2003 Canada: UBC International Graduate Tuition Scholarship
- 2002–2003 Canada: UBC Travel Award
- 2002–2003 Canada: UBC Graduate Fellowship
- 1998–1999 USA: Fulbright Fellowship (Junior Faculty Development Program)