Lilyana Grozdanova
Professor of Linguistics
Department of English and American Studies
Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology
St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
E-mail: liliana.grozdanova [at]
Research interests:
- Theoretical and Applied linguistics
- Teaching Methods and materials design
Subjects taught:
BA Courses:
- Principle of Learning
- Analytic Grammar
- Theoretical Syntax
MA Courses:
- Applied Linguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Methods of Research
Major publications:
- Fresh Ideas in ELT. София, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2003.
- В мрежата на езика. София, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2005.
- Bulgarian-English Slang Dictionary, Dunwood Press, 2010.
- Some Observations on Quantification in English and Bulgarian. Annuaire de L’Universite de Sоfia “Kliment Ohridski, Tome 80, 1987.
- Interaction, Interlanguage, International English. In. Maria Georgieva & Allan James (eds.) Globalization in English Studies, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- Manipulative Linguistic Devices in the Teenage Press. In. H. Parlog (ed.) Language and the Development of Critical Thinking, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- Creating a Corpus of EIL Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Public Domain. In: Mari Carmen Ampoy-Cubillo, Negona Belles-Fortuno, and Maria Luisa Gea-Valor (eds.) Corpus-based Approaches to English Language Teaching, Contunuum International Publishing Group, 2010.
- Cultural Diversity in a Unifying World – a New Challenge for Textbook Writers. In: Thomas D. and M. Georgieva (ed.) Small Languages in the Big World, Sofia: British Council & Plovdiv: Lettera, 2001,126-146.
- Achieving Global Purposes by Meeting Local Needs. In: Pulverness A. (ed.) IATEFL 2003: Brighton Conference Selections.