Ksenia Assenova Kisselincheva, Ph.D.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Training Center
E-mail: xeniassen [at] yahoo.com
Research interests: Comparative Anglo-American Drama of the 20th Century
Subjects taught:
BA Courses:
- English Language Courses (NBU; Dept. Language Tuition to Sofia University; University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy; Training Center to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
- Creative Writing (Sofia University, NBU)
- Comparative British and American Literature of the 20th Century (NBU, Applied Linguistics Dept.)
- English Drama of 17th Century (NBU, Dept. of Theater)
Major publications:
- “Eugene O’Neill: Grand Master of Monologue in American Drama”, Sledva (To be continued): Magazine for University Culture, NBU, (in Bulgarian), No 31; The same article, published in English, following the link: http://kseniassen.blogspot.com/
- “Harold Pinter’s Influence on David Mamet’s Stylized Dialogue”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies, volume 2, 2007
- “A Review of the Specific Use of Pauses and Silences in Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter and Edward Albee”, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Bulgarian Society for British Studies, volume 3, 2008
- “Monologue in Harold Pinter’s Drama”, provided to The Literary Theory magazine, in Bulgarian, 2006 (unpublished). The same article, published in English, following the link: http://kseniassen.blogspot.com/
- “Some Aspects of the Drama of Eugene O’Neill and Sean O’Casey”, Ph.D. Thesis, January 1986, Institute of Literature to BAS, Comparative Study of Literature Section