Irena Dimova, PhD
Assistant Professor
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Department of English and American Studies
Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology
E-mail: irenadi [at]
Research interests: Sociolinguistics, Language and Identity, Language and Gender
Subjects taught:
BA Courses:
- General and Academic English
- English as an International Language
Major publications:
- „Емоциите като средство за изграждане на идентичността”. Осма конференция на млади учени от Факултета по класически и нови филологии. София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2012: 24-36. ISSN 1314-3948.
- “The Emotional Journey of an Immigrant in Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation.” Frontiers and Cultures 2011. Europe and the Americas. Intra and Intercontinental Migrations. Ed. L. Paladini and C. Tinelli. Venice: Studio LT2, 2012: 84-87. ISBN 978-88-88028-99-6.
- “Sociocultural Diversity in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America: Verbal Aggression and the Construction/Deconstruction of Social Frontiers.” Frontiers and Cultures 2009. New Perspectives in Euro- and Pan-American Studies. Ed. M. Cannavacciuolo and S. Francescato. Venice: Studio LT2, 2011: 33-36. ISBN 978-88-88028-67-5.
- “Socio-cultural Specificity in the Expression of Emotions—Indexicalities of Gender.” Proceedings of the Second Summer School of Sociolinguistics, The University of Edinburgh. A. Daleszynska 2010. 15 September 2012 <>.
- “Gender, Genre and Emotions.” Gender/ Genre. Ed. К. Slavova and I. Boof-Vermesse. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2010: 392-404. ISBN 987-954-07-3026-4.