CFP: 8th International LLC Conference on 6-7 June 2019 in Brest, France

We are honoured to announce the 8th International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture: “Struggle for recognition: identity-formation and subjectivation” organized jointly by Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest, France) and Cankaya University (Ankara, Turkey) on June 6-7, 2019. This International Conference is an annual, peer-reviewed academic event and comprehensive venue for the free exchange and dissemination of ideas on language, translation, literary and cultural studies, and aims to bring together scholars and graduates researching the intersections of these fields in the welcoming atmosphere of Universite de Bretagne Occidentale in France.

Focusing on the aspects of language, literature and culture in any or all possible contexts, and employing interdisciplinary approach to address the research problems with methods of and insights borrowed from multiple disciplines, “International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture” welcomes papers that deal with the question of identity-construction and subjectivation through the prism of the struggle for recognition paradigm and intends to blur the limits of conventional discourses and approaches. You may participate as panel organizer, presenter of one paper, or observer. Submissions are open for 30-minute slots (20-minute talks + 10 minutes for discussion). 300-word abstract and 5 keywords should be submitted as an email attachment to by March 25, 2019. In your email, please include your name, affiliation, email address, phone number, title of the paper, abstract, 5 keywords and a brief bio data.

More information: CFP

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