Alexandra Glavanakova

Asst. Prof. Alexandra K. Glavanakova, PhD

St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
Department of English and American Studies

E-mail: a_glavanakova [at]
a.glavanakova [at]

Research interests: posthumanism, philosophy of technology, digital humanities, the major cultural shifts in literacy, education, literary studies, the creation and reception of texts under the impact of digital technology, US and Canadian literature  and culture; the study of the Bulgarian Diaspora in the U.S. and Canada; cultural translation with a special focus on terrorism, racism and immigration in North America.

Subjects taught:

BA Courses:

  • 20th century Literature of the USA
  • 19th century Literature of the USA
  • Introduction to US Cultural Studies
  • Canada: Society, Culture and Politics

MA courses:

  • Digital Culture
  • American Popular Culture
  • Literature in the Age of the Internet
  • Multimodal Writing

Major publications:

  • “Cultural Translation: Miroslav Penkov’s East of the West”. Liber Amicorum: on the 80th anniversary of prof. Bistra Alexieva. (ed.) Diana Yankova. Sofia: Sofia University Press, 2014.
  • “Bulgarian Diaspora in Canada”, Migrating Memories: Central Europe in Canada. Volume 1 – Literary Anthology. (ed.) Vesna Lopicic. Brno/Nis: SVEN, 2010. ISBN 978-86-7746-233-8
  • “The Bulgarian Diaspora in Canada: Stories of Immigration”, Migrating Memories: Central Europe in Canada. Volume 2 – Oral Histories. (ed.) Rodica Albu. Brno/Nis: SVEN, 2010. ISBN 978-86-7746-255-0
  • “A Quest for Harmony: Bulgarians Writing in Canada”, Proceedings. Managing Diversity and Social Cohesion, 5th International Conference of Central European Canadianists, 16-18 October 2009, Sofia. (ed.) Diana Yankova, Brno: Masaryk University, 2010. ISBN: 978-80-210-5270-3.
  • “Writing the Deviant Body in Cyberliterature”, Gender/Genre. (eds.) Kornelia Slavova, Isabelle Boof-Vermesse, Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2010. ISBN: 978-954-07-3026-4.


  • Posthuman Transformations: Bodies and Texts in Cyberspace. Sofia: Sofia University Press. 2014. ISBN 978-954-07-3869-7.
  • Transcultural Imaginings. Translating the Other, Translating the Self in Narratives about Migration and Terrorism. Sofia: KX – Critique and Humanism Publishing House, 2016. 250 pages. ISBN 978-954-587-201-3.

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